Overseas Cultural Orientation: Updates from CO Coordinators Worldwide (11/27/2012)
November 27, 2012
During this PRM-funded webinar, the seven Cultural Orientation coordinators from around the world shared information about their overseas CO programs for U.S.-bound refugees, the caseload(s) their programs serve, the messages their trainers emphasize during CO delivery, and considerations for domestic service providers.
- Rhonda Fleischer, RSC Africa (Church World Service)
- Pat Blashill, RSC Austria (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
- Kelle Rivers, RSC East Asia (International Rescue Committee)
- Stanislav Shelukhin, RSC Eurasia (International Organization for Migration)
- Jamal Al-Fakhouri, RSC Middle East and North Africa (International Organization for Migration)
- Peter Vogelaar, RSC Turkey and Middle East (International Catholic Migration)
- Tracy Vunderink, RSC South Asia (International Organization for Migration)
- Sanja Bebic, Director, Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Center for Applied Linguistics