Congolese Refugees

Learn about refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo through the following COR Center resources:


Emotional health is a topic emphasized in orientation for refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo; see RSC Africa's "You are not alone" lesson plan.

Refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo: This backgrounder provides service providers and resettlement communities with basic information about the new refugee arrivals. It looks at the causes of the refugee crisis, life in the DRC and countries of first asylum, the basic background characteristics of the refugees, and their resettlement experiences in the United States, as well as the strengths incoming Congolese refugees bring and the challenges they may face upon resettlement.

The video Congolese Refugees in the United States includes interviews with refugees and community leaders from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and refugee service providers, speaking about the resettlement experiences of newly-arrived and previously resettled refugees, such as employment opportunities, experience learning English in the United States, education for children and adults, inter-ethnic co-existence, family adjustment, and other matters that affect their daily lives.

The RSC Africa CO Program Highlight on Congolese (DRC) Refugees from Sub-Saharan Africa features information about the Congolese in countries of asylum, then focuses on the cultural orientation they are provided overseas, and the questions and concerns they raise in orientation class. The document also addresses considerations for domestic service providers.

The Images: Congolese Refugees gallery shows photos of Congolese refugees overseas and in their new environments within the U.S. In addition, the Images from RSC Africa gallery highlights photos of refugee camp environments and Congolese refugees participating in cultural orientation in a variety of locations.